Indonesia has an endless variety of traditional dances to discuss. This time, we will discuss about one of the traditional dances originating from East Java, namely Reog Ponorogo.
Reog Ponorogo is a traditional art in the form of dance which is still being preserved by the local community until now.
The distinctive feature of this dance lies in the clothing it wears, which is different from other dances, namely the head of a lion decorated with peacock feathers which is very striking, weighing approximately 50-60 kilograms.
The dance, which is famous for its Singo Barong, is considered to be still thick with mysticism and other mystical things.
In addition, the Reog Ponorogo dance is performed with several types of musical accompaniment, such as drums, demung, saron, peking, gong, kempul, and also slenthem.
the reog show which uses its barongan mask is carried by the dancers using teeth. In addition to requiring strong physical and training, it is also believed that the strength of carrying loads by a reog dancer is obtained from non-secular exercises in the form of fasting and meditation.
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