Jakarta is a large city in Indonesia and is one of the centers of government in Indonesia. In addition, Jakarta, which was previously known as Batavia, also has a traditional art called Ondel-ondel.

ondel-ondel is an art from Betawi which is often performed at weddings, circumcisions and other folk parties. In the beginning, the existence of ondel-ondel as an icon of the Betawi people has yet to be known why. From several sources, it is stated that ondel-ondel was formerly called 'barongan'. Barongan in ancient Betawi means walking together or in groups.

The existence of the ondel-ondel art is thought to have emerged around the 40s. Ondel-ondel is also a mediation between the spirits of the ancestors who maintain the continuity of their descendants and as the personification of the ancestors. This is because it is motivated by the mindset of ancient people who still believed in mystical things.

Ondel-ondel dolls are large and tall, reaching 2.5 meters high and have a creepy face and have caling teeth. Ondel-ondel is often used as a repellent for bad luck or evil spirits. According to the belief of the Betawi people, epidemics such as smallpox will disappear after people parade the ondel-ondel around the village.

In the process of making ondel-ondel, it usually goes through a certain ritual process. Before the manufacturing process begins, the ondel-ondel craftsman will have to provide various offerings in the form of incense, seven forms of flower and marrow porridge. This was done because the aim was that the making of ondel-ondel would run smoothly and the spirit that resided in the doll was good spirit.

Unfortunately, even though their function has changed as entertainment, Betawi studios that have ondel-ondel rarely receive calls to fill in celebratory events in Jakarta. Most of them then look for ways to survive by using ondel-ondel to busk on the streets of Jakarta.

In fact, the meaning of ondel-ondel, which should function as a repellent for reinforcements, is not just a doll to look for rupiah coins. The presence of this busker has made the value of ondel-ondel "down" and is not appreciated as it should be.
